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"I Got This!"... I love you, God

Sherry Harvie

I saw this cup when I was shopping! I normally wouldn't buy it because it is grammatically incorrect! But the phrase, "I GOT THIS! -GOD-" caught my eye and heart! It was a reminder that I needed at the right time! A friend, having similar struggles during this season, came to my mind. So I bought the other one still left! I remember wishing I had a limitless amount of money and tons of time, because I wish I could give so many away to friends and readers like you! Just to brighten someone's day and remind all the weary hearted that He indeed has "Got this!"

Humor me and close your eyes and imagine God handing you this same cup with your favorite flowers in it!"

If I could have, I truly would have bought hundreds of these mugs and bought one for each one of you and filled with them with flowers to brighten your day! I would have left one on each doorstep and run off, so it would speak the truth that God sees, He hears, He deeply cares and He's "Got This!" Whatever it is that's causing anxiety to rear it's taunting head and trying to push open the door of doubt and fear, don't believe it! He's Got This!

If you are praying against insurmountable odds that hope will break through like sun rays on an ominously dark day upon your circumstance or a loved one's life, please reminder that He loves you deeply! He hears you and NOTHING is too difficult for Him! God loves you and cares for you incomprehensibly more than you can fathom!

A few days after buying the "I Got This" mugs, I was at the store and saw all these crazy looking fruits (and more). It stopped me in my "I'm on a mission to get in and out of here!" tracks. As an artist, I will declare and remind people to my last breath that creation truly speaks of a loving creator!

These fruits were a colorful and texture laden reminder that their is a very creative and powerful God! A God so creative to create such fun and interesting fruits can do anything! He isn't going to be eating them... it's is for us. I think the rambutan fruit shows God's silly and fun side. It looks like a hairy monster or a man's beard. But it's a fruit! I think that is hilarious!

He is the Master Artist and the Master Scientist! He knows the right environment to cause each fruit to grow. Each grows in it's own season and time. And all have nutritional value. Most of these were high in antioxidants and vitamin C. He did not have to make so many different fruits! So out of curiosity I googled "How many fruits are there in the world?". My friends, guess how many! And while I keep you in suspense for a moment, here's another photo.

God gazes upon you in adoration. He wants to tell you and me he loves us deeply! So before we were even born he created such an astounding variety of colorfully diverse fruits with all sorts of nutritional provision. Again, let me declare it again, God isn't just the Master Artist, he is also the Master Scientist! Okay, I will tell you now. There are at least 1,600 varieties of fruits in the world. Some say there are 2,000! Wow! That is a beautiful expression of God's love!

One of my friends and her kiddos came over. My friend's daughter saw the bowl of fruit and asked about them. I shared with her what I shared above. Then we all decided to taste them. What fun we had!

The rambutan I was a little wary to open and try. But, being that I am also adventurous and curious I was also excited! And to our surprise and delight, there was a great lesson God reminded us of through this fruit! That old phrase, "You can't tell a book by it's cover!" was so true when it came to this odd looking fruit. It was my sweet and kind of tasted like a grape and had a similar texture. It was voted as one of the favorites by all but my son. He liked the starfruit! But, isn't that also like God! He created a variety of tastes knowing we each would have different tastebuds! My friends daughter devoured the lil' orange kumquats! The were tart like lemons, but she looooved them!

What a sweet and playful Master Artist God is! Think about it... a fruit that looks like a star when you cut into it! I just want to give God a big hug! A star, to me, is just a reminder that we are all stars in our Creators eyes and heart!

Then, there is the golden kiwi! God could have stopped with simply the green kiwi! Again, something so simple, plain and boring looking on the outside is a delicious and delightful mixture of color and pattern. How cool is that?!! And one site I found said there are 52 varieties of kiwi! Can you believe it! Creation speaks of a loving and fun Creator!

So, my precious friends, let this make your heart rejoice! He DID NOT have to create this exquisite variety! He choose to for us, His prized creation and beloved children! Next time you see any of these fruits in the store, ponder His great love for you! And talk about these truths with your children!

The God that fashioned such beauty with nutrition to benefit our bodies has supreme power and authority to do all things! With God, ALL things are POSSIBLE for those who believe! Look for evidence of His loving heart for you and I each time you shop! And remember, creation declares the glory of God and "The earth is full of His unfailing love." Psalm 33:5

Until next time sweet friends,




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